Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Got Inclusion?

Hey Everyone-

Got Inclusion all started almost 2 years ago or so. Becky and Walt felt called to do something in West Michigan to get the dialogue going about loving the GLBT Community well. Along the way we invited Jim, Greg, Mike and Matt to help us. We invite questions and will provide the best answers. We all believe in loving people where they are not matter what.


Can you tell me what the fish rainbow symbol on the back of your car means? I have never seen those two symbols together, and these days the gays have been using the rainbow as their sign.
Just very curious

I am going to try to answer this in the best way I know how. Feel free to keep asking questions after I respond.
In many ways, I put that sticker on my car so people would ask questions. The best answer I can give to you is the word love. I do not mean the word love that many in the Christian community have thrown around the GLBT circles on the condition of changing sexual orientation.....I am talking about what I think about when I think of the word LOVE.
When I think of the word love....I think of the unconditional love that Christ has shown me. The unconditional love that I do not deserve but I am still given. I believe above all things God has called us to LOVE each other no matter what. I believe that love is a tangible expression of unconditional behavior(s). So for me the stickers means LOVE, an expression of love that I have for GLBT no matter what.
In your email you said "the gays", and I asked what does he mean by that. People are people, they are brothers, sisters, friends, moms, dads, children....just people, human beings that needs and deserve to be loved. I believe as humans we label people.....and put them into a box where we think they belong. And I am at fault of that too. If Jesus was standing in front of me right now I do not believe he would ask me about things...He would ask me if I loved well...just as He has loved. So in Love I try to take away the labels, not only in the GLBT community, but with every human being. I truly believe that if we focused on what we have in common then we could live in true Community as we are called to live.
My GLBT friends know I have their back no matter what! Even if I were to never say that to them ever again, they would still know because I unconditionally show it to them by the way I live in relation to their lives and friendships. A measurable behavior goes much further than speaking a word...I really do believe that Love Wins....

Thanks for the reply. I like to hear what people think on things, especially matters of faith that are controversial. Do you think that the Bible forbids same sex sexual relationships?

This question is one that along this journey I am often asked. I want to first say that I do believe the Bible to be the ultimate Truth, the inspired word of God. In saying that I also believe that we all can read the Bible differently, interrupt scripture differently and come to our own conclusions. I chose to come to the conclusion of Love.

To be honest I am not here to debate whether or not the Bible supports or rejects same sex relations. I am however called to love people unconditionally, just as I am loved. If the Lord deems that same sex relations are unnatural than HE will convict the people of it, in HIS timing, not ours. The Bible clearly states that above all we are to go into the world and reach others in the name of Jesus in Love. I believe there is no separation between God and Love. God is Love and Love is God. If I stand in judgment of others then I am going against what I believe I am called to do, Love above all. If the God of the universe can love me and love everyone, it humbling and I honored to stand for HIM in Love.

What do you mean about 'this journey'?

I think of life as journey. I believe that to live in true community as we are called then we have to come together and journey through life together. Loving each other unconditionally. So answer your question....life...it is a journey:)